2023-08-25 10:28

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What's In The Air And All Around Us - Covid-19 Transmission Risks

We are not being told the truth about the Covid pandemic – and the failure to do that is going to cost thousands more lives in the coming months. Especially given the media and Government hype about new and rushed vaccines claimed, but not via independent sources; to be 95% effective in preventing Covid-19 infections.

This despite the fact that the existing Influenza vaccines are only ever between 29% and 54% effective, don't actually always prevent catching the Flu; but simply ensures a minimal infection and quicker recovery in the above percentage of people having had the inoculation.

Public Health England (PHE) estimates that, on average, around 17,000 people die from flu in England annually.

Whereas the figures for Covid deaths are under reported by the Government and are above the 52,000 figure now being reported by the UK media, it is claimed.

The evidence is now overwhelming – the main source of COVID-19 transmission is through tiny particles called aerosols. This was evident from the beginning in the opinion of many scientists as the events in China and surrounding countries and their methods of combating it were shown to be successful. All was needed was the scientific studies, and Government's across the world to take notice of the evidence and to act accordingly.

However, at least one Government - the UK Government, ignored the scientific evidence and distorted it in order to pursue their own agenda of herd immunity and prioritising the economy over the lives of the citizens of this country. Again, an opinion expressed by many key scientists.

Hazards campaign says that the aerosol transmission of Covdi-19 is what makes it so dangerous indoors, where aerosols can build up in the air – and particularly dangerous in workplaces, where people spend the most time in an enclosed space in close proximity to others.

It’s also why ventilation is so important – another issue that is barely being mentioned.

A new film, made with the Hazards Campaign, explains what you can do to keep yourself and your workmates safe – using the latest information about COVID-19, extensive case studies of superspreader events and successful collective struggles by well-organised workplaces.

The film shows exactly that which is being ignored by central government - workplaces are the main source of Covi-19 transmission!

Find out:

* Just what you can do to shut down your work if it’s non-essential.

* Make your workplaces as safe as possible if you’re a key worker.

* Get full sick pay if you need to stay off work.

The government is committing social murder on a mass scale. It’s time to stand up and stop them.


You can watch the whole 26 minute film on the ReelNews website here

See this webiste's Unionsafety E-Library for more information on Covid-19

Source: Hazards Campaign / ReelNews / PHE

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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